The Tidewater Woodworkers Guild operates on a calendar year basis and the members meet every fourth Monday each month except December when we usually have a Christmas Party. Each meeting we have a scheduled program and topic that will be presented based on the interests of the members. January is usually our annual safety meeting in which we present and discuss safety topics. We cover electrical safety in general as well as table saw and band saw safety just to mention a few. We are a seasoned wood working group having been in existence since 1980. Currently there are about 100 members in good standing. We welcome all skill levels and one can find a true mentor in practically every facet of woodworking within the guild.

Membership Dues for the Tidewater Woodworkers are only $20 per calendar year. The dues pay for the web site development and hosting, postage for those that are unable to receive the Newsletter electronically, and to subsidize some of the guild activities during the year. With membership also comes discounts at several local establishments when you buy their products to replenish your shop supplies. The 10% discount at WoodCraft on meeting nights alone will more than recover your annual membership dues!
We meet at 7Pm the 4th Monday of every month at the WoodCraft store in the JANAF Shopping Center, 5802 E. Virginia Beach Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23502.

The application for membership with the Tidewater Woodworkers should be filled out online, printed and brought to one of our monthly meetings with your dues. An alternative method would be to mail the application and check to the membership chairman at the address shown at the bottom of the application. Once we have your application and dues your membership card will be available at the following month's meeting of the guild.

Click Here to download the Membership Application. You may need to use Internet Explorer for the interactive fields to appear.


Membership Application
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