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January 2017
A Happy and Safe
Woodworking Year
Web Links At the Meeting Last Meeting Notes Tip of the Month Editors Notes
Product Reviews

All good things come with a price.

Annual dues of $20 are due in January. Please remember to bring cash or a check made out to TWWWG. Heck, where else can you learn new skills, improve ones you already have and admire the work of woodworkers just like you for only $1.25/hour? See Ed Bunker, Membership Chairman at the meeting, Monday the 23rd.

From the President

Woodshop Tweet
Welcome to 2017!  Standby for all sorts of  woodworking excitement in the areas of education and outreach; all intended to help us get the most out of our limited shop time and share woodworking opportunities.  Details to be provided at the meeting, so be sure to attend.  Also, this month's raffle for those paying their dues($20) will be a properly equipped first aid kit.
Finally; like to meet new people, make nametags, and manage only one list?  If so, Ed Bunker (Membership Chairman) needs your help - as his relief.  Interested?  Talk to Ed at this month's meeting.
See you soon!
Jim Francis

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Safety First!.

A few Shop Safety Notes
First Aid Reminders from Dr. Joanna Krause (first published Feb 2013)
EYE INURIES: DO NOT put an eye pad on a severe eye injury. These are only for superficial scratches from wood dust (to prevent eye rubbing). The Dixie cup goes on a severe eye injury, or if you are uncomfortable with that, don’t touch your eye and seek immediate medical attention. DO NOT IRRIGATE YOUR EYE WITH WATER IF YOU HAVE A SEVERE INJURY. This is for wood dust only. Do not attempt to remove a projectile from your own eye.
AMPUTATIONS: Wrap the amputated part in DAMP gauze or paper towel, place in a plastic bag and put on regular ice and bring with you to the ER. DO NOT use dry ice, soak the amputated portion or let it directly contact the ice.
Shop First Aid Kit
  • Emergency Contact List
  • Doctor
  • Next of Kin
  • Transportation
  • Water Source
  • Water bottle with tip for spraying
  • Gallon jug of water
  • Kitchen sink nearby
  • Garden hose
  • Small ‘Dixie’ cups cut down to several heights (to cover your eye)
  • Eye pads
  • Variety of bandages (including LARGE and butterfl y) and gauze, both non-stick and regular
  • Medical tape
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Quart and Gallon size ‘Ziploc’™ type bags
  • Tourniquet

At the Next Meeting - Our Annual Shop Safety Review

Marc Adams' Power Tool Safety Cards

Marc Adams Power Tool Cards

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Last Meeting Notes

The November meeting saw the unanimous election of the 2017 Officers, Jim Francis as President and the retention of the incumbent Vice-president, Treasurer and Secretary. The Annual Holiday Gathering at Logan's was just as much fun as always. Fran Foster took home the first place gift card. Second place was won by Joe Filipowski and Bob Fenske took home third. Most of the rest of us took home leftovers. Happy New Year all and thank you Andy Steinberg.

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Tip of the Month - Depth Stops for a Hand Held Router (eTips #114)

When using a router, you want to avoid taking too deep a cut. It can create excess chipout and, in some situations, can be dangerous. So when I want to rout a dado or groove that's more than a 1/4" deep, I take multiple passes.

I know. It's easy enough to change the height of the bit between passes. But with some routers, changing the height of the bit also slightly changes the position of the bit relative to the base. (This means you could end up with an unwanted shoulder inside the dado.) And besides, I've come up with a way of using depth stops that lets me avoid the extra setups.

To rout a deep dado with one setup, I use a set of depth stops or plates that are carpet taped to the base of the router, refer to Fig. 2 at right. Two of these plates are made from 1/8" hardboard, and a third is 1/16"-thick plastic laminate. All three stops have a hole drilled in the center for the bit to fit through.

Before you add the depth stops to the base plate, the first thing to do is adjust the height of the router bit to match the finished depth of the dado, as in Fig. 1. (Once the bit is set, leave it alone.) Then carpet tape the auxiliary stops to the base of the router (Fig. 2).

After the first pass, simply "lower" the bit during successive passes by removing one stop (Fig. 3). The final pass (after removing the laminate depth stop) will be a 1/16"-deep skim cut that will leave a clean dado at just the right depth.

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Editors Notes

I hope you all come to the January meeting. Jim and the board have great plans to revitalize the Guild with training, tutoring, tours and good camaraderie. Ya'll come, now. Y'hear?

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Copyright 2017
Tidewater Woodworking Guild
Site by President:Jim Francis Vice President:Gary Stephens Treasurer: Scott Paris
Joomla Templates: from JoomlaShack