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July 2018
Too hot to be in the shop? GEt a fan!
Web Links At the Meeting Last Meeting Notes Tip of the Month Editors Notes
Product Reviews

From the President

Good July!  Almost like the speed of light, this month is passing both in and outside the shop.  Hopefully you've taken some time to get in the shop.


One thing you might not realize is that we receive a fair amount of  message traffic and program interest (i.e. shop and lumber sales, as well as requests for support) due to our presence on the web (facebook, website and instagram).  As a result, it's important to our future success that these tools receive regular maintenance and updates.  With that said, please seriously consider taking over from Karl (he's retiring) the roles of webmaster and newsletter editor.  Also, think about supporting the Guild as membership chairman and vice president; these positions are currently unfilled.

Program notes:

  • This month Paul Garrity will demo his new Wood Mizer protable sawmill.  If you haven't seen it in action, you'll be impressed with the quality saw work and the magic of hydraulics.

  • August:  I've asked Scott Fell, Bret Lancaster and Andy Steinberg to show and discuss their spray equipment, discuss spraying techniques as well as other spraying considerations.

  • September:  It looks like Pat Lester is going to be able to host our annual picnic.  It's always a fun time; rain or shine.That's about it for now. 

    See you at Monday's meeting.

Jim Francis

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At the Next Meeting - Logs to Lumber

Paul Garrity is bringing his new and larger mill to the meeting. If he can get permission (or maybe without) he'll turn a round cylinder into flat pieces. If you've never seen one of these portable mills in action, you wont want to miss this meeting.

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Followup - Product Review - The Norton 5" Random Orbital Sander by Andy Steinberg

I understand that Woodcraft has pulled the Norton 5" from the shelves.

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Tip of the Month - Keep your circular saw on the straight and narrow - Woodworking FAQ

Q. I use the notch in the front of my circular saw's baseplate to follow the line when I cut, yet my cuts are often wavy. What am I doing wrong?

A. The notch is a good way to line-up the blade initially, but once the cutting starts, most woodworkers guide the saw by watching the actual blade and line. Since right handed people stand to the left of the saw and the blade is usually on the right side of the saw, the view is blocked by the motor. This means leaning your head to the right, so you can see the blade, o sighting through the little space near the front of the saw. Just remember flying sawdust and safety..

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Editors Notes - Four Newsletters to Go!

This is YOUR Guild. Many of the older members, those who have been mentoring and sharing, myself among them, would like to sit back and watch the next generation of craftsmen take the reins of the Guild. Step up and make your mark on the Guild. Next month, the count will be on one hand. In January, a new editor will publish your newsletter.

See you Monday - Karl

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Copyright 2018
Tidewater Woodworking Guild
Site by President:Jim Francis Vice President: We Want YOU! Treasurer:Greg Guertin


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