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No Pressure HereI would like to put in my editorial two-cents worth about the upcoming elections and need for background help to keep the Guild running. It takes a community of woodworkers to make this work. We are faced with an empty ticket. Don't depend on the same dedicated folks to keep the guild running. That time has passed. Jim will not return, Greg is the only board member who will and we've already had two empty seats for a year. I will write only two more newsletters (October and November) and the Facebook, Instagram and website will need new blood. Please step up to keep the woodworking arts alive in Tidewater. Now is the time to make your sawdust count. Karl Bogott (editor) |
From the PresidentGood September! Hope that you've had an exciting and productive summer. As indicated in this last weekend's email, Pat Lester has his grill ready to host our monthly meeting at his house (1450 Plantation Lakes Circle, Chesapeake) on the 24th. We'll start eating at 5:30, but if you're interested in helping to cook; come early. Cost is $3 per person. Guests are welcome. The program (flag boxes/display cases - Greg Guertin, Don Lancaster, Larry Ozella) will follow shortly thereafter, and should be a good one.
Elections: It that time again, and the need is at a critical level. I won't be president next year. As a result, the positions of president, vice-president (currently vacant), and secretary (currently vacant) won't have incumbents. Greg Guertin may be talked into staying on as treasurer, but is still doing double duty as membership chairman. In addition, Karl is retiring as newsletter editor and webmaster. So the message is: Please step up to support the Guild. Although we've had very good program support this year, the admin side of running the Guild needs help. The tasks aren't onerous, and actually are fun because of the people involved. Again, please step up to support the Guild.
Upcoming programs: October - Cutting board extravaganza. Bring in your designs and boards to discuss process and techniques.
November - Handtool extravaganza. Bring in your favorite hand tools to discuss and demonstrate. It's amazing how a hand tool can make even a motorized shop more efficient.
Jim Francis
At the Next Meeting - Flagboxes, a favorite shop projectGreg Guertin, Don Lancaster and Larry Ozella will talk about the different designs and the process of creating this penultimate military keepsake. |
Tip of the Month - Using Microfiber to Detech Grain- Woodcraft MagazineWith certain woods that lack distinct graining, it can be difficult to gauge which direction to plane in order to prevent tearout. In these cases, I've found that dragging a microfiber cloth on the surface is very helpful. With most woods, there is a noticeable resistance when the cloth is pulled against the slope of the grain. So, whichever way the cloth moves easiest, that's the direction you want tove the cutter. - Thomas Moss, Bradenton, FL (ed. note. I tested this on five species of wood and it does work. - Karl) |
Editors Notes - Two Newsletters to Go!This is YOUR Guild. Many of the older members, those who have been mentoring and sharing, myself among them, would like to sit back and watch the next generation of craftsmen take the reins of the Guild. Step up and make your mark on the Guild. Next month, the count will two more. In January, a new editor must publish your newsletter. See you Monday - Karl |
Copyright 2018 Tidewater Woodworking Guild |
Site by | President:Jim Francis | Vice President: We Want YOU! | Treasurer:Greg Guertin |