This Thanksgiving ... Thank a Veteran?. |
Web Links | At the Meeting | Last Meeting Notes | Tip of the Month | Editors Notes |
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Your NewsletterAs I get ready to take over the newsletter in 2019 I want to thank Karl for all of his hard work in generating the newsletter over the many years and for managing the web site. For those of you who have never generated a newsletter it is a lot of work and the deadlines creep up on you all of the time. Years ago I was the newsletter editor for the St. Louis chapter of the Society of Broadcast Engineers and I remember all of the work that was required on getting relevant news and getting it out on time. I look forward to the challenge in 2019!This is your newsletter and your input is greatly appreciated. If you have some ideas that you would like to see in your newsletter I am open to suggestions. These may include format, pictures, industry news, local happenings, etc. Your suggestions or thoughts can be sent to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Gary Stephens |
The Holiday GatheringDon't forget the Holiday Gathering on Monday December 10 at Logan's. Every Guild member should have received an email with all you need to know as well as the RSVP information for Andy to have a head count. If you didn't get the email, contact Andy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. See you at the party
From the PresidentGreetings!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving with friends and relatives.
The theme of this month's meeting is "Handtools that complement the powered shop" and will be in an extravaganza format (benches of demonstrators). At this time scrapers and files/rasps will be discussed/demonstrated, so there's much more room for more participants. So... bring your handtools and join the fun.
Officer election. This month we'll kickoff the meeting with 2019 officer elections. Those running are Greg Guertin - Treasurer, Scott Fell - Vice President, and Jim Francis - President. In addition, Larry Cameron will be Membership Chairman and Gary Stephens will take over as Web/Instagram/Facebook Master as well as Newsletter Editor.
2019 activity planning. While munching on turkey and the fixings, think deep 2019 woodworking thoughts (projects to complete, classes to take, techniques to master), then bring those thoughts to our meeting. We'll have some fun listening to your inputs.
Jim Francis
At the Next Meeting -Annual Election and Hand Tools that Complement the ShopAt the November meeting we will be voting for the 2019 officers of the Tidewater Woodworkers Guild. The 2019 slate will be:
Jim Francis has put together, in extravaganza format, a presentation on handtools, such as scrapers, files and rasps (oh my!). Bring your favorite hand tool and start a conversation. |
Tip of the Month - The Ergonomic Scroll SawI just had back surgery. That makes sitting up an adventure. I knew that my scroll saw set up was not conducive to good posture. My stool was too low and the saw table was level. Well, I was looking through information on setting the angle of the table for ease and found this article that giave me a lot of answers. I'm sure it might answer some of your questions, as well. Your back and shoulders will thank you. Karl - ed —Allen Salfer, Atlantic Beach, Fla. Many people love to scrollsaw for hours at a time. But hunching over a saw for that long can give you a stiff neck and shoulders. |
Editors Notes - Passing the QuillGary Stephens stepped up and will become your newsletter editor and webmaster in the coming year. I'm glad to hand off the quill and inkpot. It's time for a new voice. Give him your support, your input, your stories and your ideas. Thank you for a bunch of years and I look forward to just being one in the crowd at meetings (despite missing the November meeting). Karl Bogott (editor- emeritus) |
Copyright 2018 Tidewater Woodworking Guild |
Site by | President:Jim Francis | Vice President: We Want YOU! | Treasurer:Greg Guertin |