Wood Witches and Grain Goblins |
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye! From the Nominating CommitteeIn preparation for the November election for TWWWG President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, a nominating committee was formed to develop a list of nominees for the above offices. The list of nominees developed are Ben Weatherford (President - incumbent), Gary Stephens (Vice-President), Bob Fenske (Secretary - incumbent), and Scott Paris (Treasurer - incumbent). Nominations will also be taken from the floor at this month's meeting. Those accepting nomination will then submit a short biography to the President/Newsletter editor for publishing in the November newsletter. The election will be held at the November meeting and proxy votes from absentee members shall be provided to the Secretary no later than the date/time of that meeting. Jim Francis - Chairman, Nominating Committee |
From the PresidentWelcome to Fall, finally. For those that missed the Cook-out at Pat Lester’s shop, you missed a great presentation that Shawn gave on a building a beautiful walnut table. Shawn & Angie should get some kind of medal for bringing that mostly finished table out on such a brutal night, weather-wise. It was raining buckets with many streets partially flooded. They had the right vehicle to deliver the table safely. It would have been impossible to deliver it in a normal truck. Many thanks to Shawn and Angie for coming through on such a dreadful night. Read Bob’s minutes for more detail on Shawn’s table. As usual, Pat and family came through with getting everything together and having the facilities to accommodate the cook-out with the terrible weather. It was a great cook out and meeting in spite of the weather. And thanks to all who weathered the elements to attend. This month Gary Stephens will us show us how to set up and use the Lock-Miter router bit. This is a fantastic joint, especially for legs to a project, and variations of this joint have been used since the days of Gustav Stickley, or earlier. This bit, especially the larger one, is quite intimidating, so I am looking forward to learning more techniques to handle this bit. We will announce the presenter for our November meeting for this year at the November meeting, with only the December dinner meeting remaining for this this year. Jim Francis is handling the nomination process, which will conclude with the election at the November meeting. So I hope many of you will be able to attend our last two meetings at Woodcraft for this year, followed by our dinner meeting in December. Andy will be providing the details for the dinner meeting at the next two meetings. Ben |
Woodworking Term for the Month. Use it three times in a day and it's yours. Xylogapher One who engraves on wood. go figure/ |
At the Next Meeting - The Lock Miter Bit & Angle Making Bits To Make “Rounded” Corners On The Router with Gary StephensOne of the best joints for making boxes is the 45 degree lock miter bit. It is a very strong joint and will not slip when being glued up. The problem with the bit is that most woodworkers are afraid of the joint and do not understand how to set up and use the bit. Come to the October meeting and learn how to use the bit to improve you skill set. |
Last Meeting NotesIf you missed the meeting, you stayed dry. Seventeen water-resistant members waded their way through the monsoon to the annual cookout. Shawn Nystrom actually brought his 10 person Craftsman style table to show us his workmanship. Now, that's dedication. It was worth the wait and the water. |
Tip of the Month - Quick Assembly AidAssembling a box and need a third hand to hold the sides square for assembly? Use an old 4” electrical receptacle box. It's sturdy and perfectly square. Simply clamp it in the corners to hold the assembly tight while glue sets or pilot holes are drilled and you screw the box together. |
Editors NotesThe holiday season is upon us. We're woodworkers. We make stuff. Around the holidays, we're driven to make gifts for relatives, non-relatives and people we've never met. Bring in your work, send me the story of your project. Why did you choose to make it? What did they think of it? We're always looking for newsletter and website material. And, don't forget the election. Jim Francis will talk about the nominations and, who knows, we may see a dark horse throw his or her hat into the ring. See you at the meeting. |
Copyright 2016 Tidewater Woodworking Guild |
Site by LittleBizWebs.com | President: Ben Weatherford | Vice President:Gary Stephens | Treasurer: Scott Paris |