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October 2017
Rocking Horse Roundup!
Web Links At the Meeting Last Meeting Notes Tip of the Month Editors Notes
Product Reviews

News of the Guild

Our Guild Vice-President and resident A-V expert, Gary Stephens is in the hospital with an infection. Keep him in your thoughts. Jim Francis, President of the Guild, will contact the mailing list, by email, with updates on location, visiting hours etc.

From the President

Welcome to October!  The month and year are passing quickly, but most of last year's projects are still missing drawers.  I sort of like the "uncompleted" style, but imagine there's little opportunity for making money.
Clyde and DaleGene and Ed are presenting this month; the topic is Rocking Horses - Design and Construction.  They've already put in a lot of work to get ready, so don't miss this opportunity to be inspired.  In addition, make sure to bring your horse in for show/tell.
Next year's program planning is underway and includes topics such as:  Shop Equipment Maintenance, Sketchup Make - An Overview, Cabinet Construction Considerations, Furniture Anatomy, Stool Design and Construction, and Unique Woodworking Tools.  In addition, goals include more hands-on time and more Saturday sessions (i.e. at Andy's shop and possibly the Norfolk Senior Center).  So you can see, the Guild has a lot to offer to those willing to get involved.
Elections.  Next month are Guild elections.  Daniel Messick will run for Secretary, and Greg Guertin will run for Treasurer.  A candidate is needed for Vice-President (Gary Stephens won't be able to run because of ill health).  In addition, we need to fill the Membership Chairman position.  These two positions are vitally important to our existence, so please consider getting involved.
Thanks. See you at the meeting.
Jim Francis

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At the Next Meeting - Gene George and Ed Bunker Wrangle Rocking Horses

Rocking HorseFrom simple to complex, the rocking horse is a favorite toy of all generations. They will explore the design and construction of this iconic child's toy. Rocking horses date to the 17h Century and came of age during the Victorian era. But, it's the American Rocking horse and the skill of woodworkers like Ed and Gene who will keep this icon alive. Come see and learn. Bring your examples.

The one pictured was made by my wife, Linda, for our children (40 years ago) and is still a favorite of our five year old granddaughter.

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Last Meeting Notes - Furniture Repair and Restoration

Jim Francis demonstrated a number of the special techniques used to repair and restore classic pieces of furniture.

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Tip of the Month - Roll Tape for Scroll Saw Success


One of the most difficult tasks for a scroll sawer is to match the edges of pieces; whether a 3D cutout or an Intarsia piece. I've found two helpful ways. Most importantly, if you're going to have to match edges, NEVER trace your pattern onto the wood. Make copies of the pattern and attach them to the wood. This ensures that both edges are identical; at least before you cut.

scroll saw tapeEasiest method: After attaching your pattern, likely with a spray adhesive, cover it with clear packaging tape. The tape will lubricate the blade, cooling it and helping keep it from stretching. Unfortunately, this makes your pattern piece a one-time-only piece.

Most efficient method: Use a product such as Scroll Saw Tape, available from in 9” by 5' or 9” by 20' rolls. This is a double-sided clear tape that will securely hold your pattern to the wood with no residue. It peels off. This has an added benefit for cutting parts within parts, or adjacent parts, in that you may re-use the cut off pattern piece on the matching piece. It carries the exact line cut for the first piece. For example, I will cut along the lines separating the mice from the cheese, in the photo, and apply the pattern pieces to the wood used for the mice. Easy, quick and accurate cuts. Roll Tape!

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Editors Notes

Our Instagram account is going well. Thank you to all who are sharing their pictures. In addition to elected officers and volunteers, like Gary and me, we can use photographers and one or two to run the audio visual equipment during the meetings. Your Guild needs you. Be a part of the fun.

See you Monday - Karl

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Copyright 2017
Tidewater Woodworking Guild
Site by President:Jim Francis Vice President:Gary Stephens Treasurer: Scott Paris


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