Copyright 2021 
Tidewater Woodworking  President: Fran Foster, Vice President: Greg Guertin, Treasurer: Chris Zuchristian, Secretary:  Larry Larue


TWWWG Heading imageman glitter
March 2021
 Keep Calm & Make Sawdust
Web Links At the Meeting Last Meeting Notes Tip of the Month Editors Notes

What's In The Newsletter?

  • Presidents Report
  • Hide Glue By Greg Guertin
  • SAPFM Meeting
  • Guild Woodworking Projects
  • The Woodworking Shows Update

Presidents Report ...

Last month, I was talking about how long this past year has been.  This month, I can say that we are on the way to recovery.  For the first time in a year, we held our first meeting at Woodcraft.  We were limited to no more than ten members and was it was streamed via Zoom.  It was not like our “normal” meetings, but at least if offered a glimpse of what was to come.  We had a presentation related to lumber/lumbering by Paul Garrity, one of our members that prompted much discussion and questions. 

We have not evolved in providing actual demonstrations via Zoom yet, but hope to do this in the near future.  Until that time we will continue to offer presentations that are of interest to the members. This month, we will be seeing a presentation and discussion on adhesives.

We sincerely hope that as more people receive the vaccination and the country opens up more, we will get back to meetings where the entire membership can attend.  We have all been patiently waiting for over a year for this to be over so a little more time is doable. 

If you are not a member and would like to attend one of our Zoom meetings, just contact me and I will add you to the email list and include you in the email that goes out with instructions.  Our meetings are always the 4th Monday each month starting at 7:00pm.  We are not charging dues at this time so you could use this opportunity to see if you would like to join this great group of dedicated woodworkers.  Hope to see you join in the fun.

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Fran Foster

President TWWWG

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Hide Glue by Greg Guertin

I use Old Brown Glue also known as Hide Glue in my workshop for most applications. It has many advantages over the PVA glues such as Tightbond II and III such as Hide glue can be stained and colored so a finish cannot be ruined by a little squeeze out caught in the pores of the wood.  Actually, when mixed with a little matching sawdust it can be used as an effective filler that can be finished to blend in with the rest of the project. However, while reversibility and its ability to accept color are probably the biggest pluses when working with hide glue, it has many other positive attributes. One of the disadvantages is its thermal limitations where it turns to a gel like substance at room temperature.  A little bit of heating to about 120-130 degrees is all that is required to bring it back to the liquid state. To do this there are many glue pots available commercially. Recently while searching on Amazon for glue pots I stumbled across a pot for heating wax just like the ladies use to remove hair from those unwanted places but wow they were cheaper than many of the glue pots. After reading the specs on them I decided to buy one see how well it worked. WOW how beautiful it is!



Greg'e Hide Glue Pot From Ebay


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Society Of American Periodic Furniture Makers

Hold onto your seat; chair excitement!

You might be thinking that building a chair isn't on your list, especially a fancy one.  However, from the standpoints of joinery and carving they can be a neat challenge and a lot of fun.  If you're willing to explore, join Ray Journigan via Zoom on April 3rd at 10am.  Details follow.  Make your reservation via email to Jim Francis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


What:   Tidewater SAPFM (Society of American Periodic Furniture Makers) Chapter Spring Meeting; April 3rd, 10 am, via ZOOM

Featured speaker:  Ray Journigan, SAPFM 2018 Cartouche Award Winner

Meeting length:  90 minutes.  Although this meeting will be short, it'll be packed with very interesting and useful information.

Topic:  Jonathan Shoemaker Chippendale Chair Build (see attached picture), including:

 •           History of the chair (Of all the Chippendale side chair styles made during the 18th century, few could be more challenging than this Jonathan Shoemaker version.)

•           Design process to produce the chair; starting from documents, photos and museum visits to final drawing and patterns

•           Selected construction details and jigs

•           Carving discussion; feet, knees, stiles, shoe, splat and crest rail


•           Thanks Ed Sontag (Woodcraft) and Fran Foster (Tidewater Woodworkers Guild President) for the use of the Guild's audiovisual personnel and resources.

•           Two weeks before the meeting a Zoom link will be sent to you. 

•           In addition, on March 27th from 8 to 9 pm a dry-run will be held for new Zoom users to check their Zoom connections and settings. 

•           Because of space limitations, the meeting will be completely virtual.



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Guild Woodworking Projects

Our first projects for this month’s 2021 newsletter come from Karl Bogot with his cutting board and pepper grinder.

Karl's End Grain Cutting Board


 Project 21-3 for 2021 is an end grain cutting board of maple with cherry and black walnut accents. The board is 18 x 12 x 1.25. I learned a great deal about end grain boards ... mostly that I don't particularly like to make them. This one was a challenge to build. It had nearly 10 different steps to create it. I applied finger grips for the first time.

Karl's Red Elm Pepper Mill


Project 21-4 is an 8" red elm pepper mill I turned to replace the 6" I turned a few years ago. This wood had been gathering dust in my garage for years (lots of them). It was cut from a tree the Tidewater Woodworkers milled from a storm-fall.  (From the photo doesn't it look like 6' tall instead of 6" tall?)

 Our next project comes from Gary Stephens

Oak Counter Top


I built this counter top for some friends. The old counter top was a fancy laminate top that the owners decided needed to be replaced after many years. The counter top is made out of flat sawn Red Oak (their choice). It is 1.5” thick by 14” wide by 4’ long.  The hardest part of the project was just working with this heavy piece of wood. The edges were shaped with a ½” round over bit on the router table. In hind sight I should have used the router free handed because balancing this heavy piece of wood to route the end grain met that a lot of wood was hanging off the router table. The choice of finish was difficult because this counter top could have a sweaty glass sitting on it and that would leave round marks on the wood. In the end it was the weather that determined how the finish would be applied. If you remember February is was cold, windy and RAINY forcing me inside to apply the finish. I used the General Finishes semi-gloss Arm-R-Seal wipe on oil and urethane to protect the finish.


The Woodworking Shows Update

Back in the January newsletter one of the articles was that The Woodworking Shows were going to be cancelled for 2021 due to the COVID 19 virus. That was a blow to me as I always liked going up to Dulles for the show, listening to the speakers and walking the exhibitor floor even if it was a little noisy. Now The Woodworking Shows have gotten creative in the pandemic era. They are now offering the speakers that frequent the show on-line through March.  If you want, for $20, you can sign up for the weekend live seminars.  What they have also done is offer you access to these recorded talks on line for a full year!  Even if you could not make the weekend dates in March you can also access the talks on their web site for a full year for $20.00.  This is a great value to further your woodworking education.  For more information please go to




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